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Advocate for Girls' Rights


Thank you for signing up to become a girls’ rights advocate!

Advocacy can take so many different forms — but everything you do gets us closer to creating a more just and equal world. Below are a couple of ways you can make a change.

Spread the Word

Let people know that you stand with girls by downloading and sharing our Girls’ Rights Advocate Badge. Spread the word on what is holding back girls from realising their rights by downloading the infographics and raising awareness.

Step 1:
Click on the Badge and Infographic for Facebook or Instagram below to get the image. Right-click on the image and select “save as image”.

Step 2:
Share them on your preferred social media account and tag Plan International Ireland: Instagram(@plan_ireland), Facebook(@planinternationalireland)

Step 3:
Show your community that you stand with girls and raise awareness for girls’ rights!

Download Your Assets

Instgram I stand with girls Infographic

Looking for Other Ways to Advocate?

Are you outspoken and love to share your thoughts and ideas through instagram stories? Get our Instagram filter now and tell your community why you stand with girls. Or simply share a picture to show your support.